Brunswik Society Meetings

30th International Meeting of the Brunswik Society

Free event – for Zoom link register your name, affiliation and email address with Gijs Holleman
Abstract Booklet
Friday 13th December 2024, 11.45-14.15 EST (16.45-19.15 GMT) via Zoom
Opening remarks – Thomas R. Stewart (University at Albany, USA)
Title: Representative design – A realistic alternative to (systematic) integrative design
Presenters/Authors: Gijs A. Holleman (Tilburg University, The Netherlands), Mandeep K. Dhami (Middlesex University, London), Ignace T. Hooge & Roy S. Hessels (Utrecht University, The Netherlands)
Title: Representative Stimuli Reveal Transitive Preferences
Presenters/Authors: Mattias Forsgren, Gustav Karreskog Rehbinder & Peter Juslin (Uppsala University, Sweden)
Title: Including Patients’ Perspectives in Medical Case Vignettes: A Brunswikian Approach
Presenter/Authors: Marvin Kopka & Markus A. Feufel (Technische Universität Berlin, Germany)
Title: A Drift Diffusion Lens to Model Vicarious Functioning
Presenters/Authors: Florian Scholten, Lukas Schumacher & Paul Kelber (Tübingen University, Germany)
Title: The wisdom of the inner crowd and the wisdom of cues
Presenter/Authors: Tamara Gomilsek, Ulrich Hoffrage & Julian N. Marewski (University of Lausanne, Switzerland)
Paper in Memory of Robin Hogarth: Less is more in temporally-dependent managerial environments
Presenter: Tomás Lejarraga (University of the Balearic Islands, Spain)
Closing  remarks – Robert M. Hamm (University of Oklahoma Health Sciences, USA)
Virtual Social/Networking Hour!!!
Friday 13th December 2024, starts 14.30 EST (19.30 GMT)
Free event – invites/link will be sent to meeting delegates

29th International Meeting of the Brunswik Society

The Brunswik Society held a virtual international meeting on Thursday 7th December 2023.

Meeting Agenda
Booklet with Abstracts

28th International Meeting of the Brunswik Society

The Brunswik Society held a virtual international meeting on 08.12.2022.

Meeting Agenda

The presentation slides for the discussion paper in memory of Robert Wigton are available for download:
Presentation by Robert M. Hamm
Presentation by Thomas G. Tape

Prior Meetings

The 1985 to 1998 annual meetings of the Brunswik Society were held on the Saturday preceding the Judgment and Decision Society Meeting. In July, 1999, a “stand alone” meeting was held in Boulder, Colorado and in July, 2000, a second stand alone meeting was held in Berlin. Although both meetings were successful and well attended, it was decided in Berlin to resume meeting in conjunction with the Judgment and Decision Making Society so that people could easily attend both meetings. Beginning in 2002, the Psychonomic Society officially included the Brunswik Society meeting in its annual meeting planning. Meetings were not held between 2009 and 2016.

The list below includes all Annual Meetings and some other meetings and symposia related to Brunswik’s work. Recipients of the Brunswik Society New Investigator Award and other special awards are also listed.

2021. Twenty-seventh meeting, Virtual

2020. Twenty-sixth meeting, Virtual

2019. Symposium: Innovations in Judgment Research using Brunswik’s Lens Model.  Organized by Mandeep Dhami & Esther Kaufmann for the Conference on Subjective Probability, Utility, and Decision Making (SPUDM) 18-22 August 2019, Amsterdam

2017. Twenty-fifth meeting, Vancouver

2009. No meeting. (Statement from Ken Hammond)

2008. Twenty-fourth meeting, Chicago. Jason Beckstead (New Investigator Award)

2008. “The Original Brunswik” meeting, Landau

2007. Twenty-third meeting, Long Beach. Julian Marewski (New Investigator Award)

2006. Twenty-second meeting, HoustonWolfgang Gaissmaier (New Investigator Award)

2005. Twenty-first meeting, TorontoMarcio A. Carvalho (New Investigator Award)

2004. Twentieth meeting, Minneapolis. Jörg Rieskamp (New Investigator Award)

2003. Ninteenth meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.   100th Anniversary of Brunswik’s birth. Konstantinos V. Katsikopoulos (New Investigator Award)

2002. Eighteenth meeting, Kansas CityChristopher Anderson (New Investigator Award)

2001. Seventeenth meeting, OrlandoLouise Gunderson (New Investigator Award). Tom Stewart (Special Award)

2000. Sixteenth meeting, Berlin. Elise Weaver (New Investigator Award). Lubomir Kostron (Special “Brunswik-Sherlock” Award)

1999. Fifteenth meeting, BoulderPhil Dunwoody (New Investigator Award)

1998. Fourteenth meeting, DallasClare Harries and Mandeep Dhami (New Investigator Award)

1997. Thirteenth meeting, PhiladelphiaGreg Brake (New Investigator Award)

1996. Twelfth meeting, ChicagoElke Kurz (New Investigator Award)

1995. Eleventh meeting, Los AngelesDan Gigone (New Investigator Award)

1994. Tenth meeting, St. LouisPeter Juslin (New Investigator Award). Ken Hammond (Special Appreciation Award)

1993. Ninth meeting, WashingtonMichael DeKay (New Investigator Award). Gerd Gigerenzer (Special Award)*

1992. Eighth meeting, St. LouisBarbara Reilly (New Investigator Award)*

1991. Seventh meeting, San Francisco. Kim Vicente (New Investigator Award)

1990. Sixth meeting, New OrleansMarlys Lipe (New Investigator Award, winner of paper competition)

1989. Fifth meeting, Atlanta

1988. Fourth meeting, Chicago

1987. Third meeting, Seattle

1986. Second meeting, New Orleans

1985. First meeting, Boston.The first meeting, held in Boston, was sponsored by Ciba-Geigy, Limited, Basel, Switzerland, represented by C.R.B. Joyce.


       *Exact year of award is uncertain.

29th International Meeting of the Brunswik Society